[R] Build without warning RSvgDevice

Matthieu Decorde matthieu.decorde at ens-lyon.fr
Fri Nov 16 11:14:07 CET 2012


I'm trying to build a modified version of the package RSvgDevice, 
without warnings.

I'm having troubles with the description file. Here's the logs :
* checking Rd files ... WARNING
prepare_Rd: RSvgDevice.Rd:1: All text must be in a section

But the RSvgDevice.Rd file seems OKto me, what am I missing ?

Thanks for your help,
Matthieu Decorde

Matthieu Decorde, matthieu.decorde at ens-lyon.fr
http://textometrie.ens-lyon.fr - Ingénieur - Equipex Matrice
ENS de Lyon/CNRS - ICAR UMR5191, Institut de Linguistique Française
15, parvis René Descartes 69342 Lyon BP7000 Cedex, tél. +33(0)437376308

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