[R] survreg & gompertz

Matthias Ziehm matthias.ziehm at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 14:38:41 CET 2012

Hi all,

Sorry if this has been answered already, but I couldn't find it in the 
archives or general internet.

Is it possible to implement the gompertz distribution as 
survreg.distribution to use with survreg of the survival library?
I haven't found anything and recent attempts from my side weren't 
succefull so far.

I know that other packages like 'eha' and 'flexsurv' offer functions 
similar to survreg with gompertz support. However, due to the run-time 
environment were this needs to be running in the end, I can't use these 
packages :(

Same questions for the gompertz-makeham distribution.

Many thanks!


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