[R] R in batch mode: cannot mkdir R_TempDir

capy_bara hettling at few.vu.nl
Wed Nov 14 17:54:22 CET 2012

Dear all,
I am trying to run a simple R script in batch mode on a cluster.  Running a
simple test script with 

"R CMD BATCH test.R  test.Rout" 

works fine, but as soon as I submit the very same command to the queue and
the job gets sent to a node, the following error is written to test.Rout:

Fatal error: cannot mkdir R_TempDir

I set the environment variables TEMP, TMP and TMPDIR to /tmp/ and I also
make sure that all environment variables are set on the nodes. Running the R
command "tempdir()" on a node returns something like "/tmp/RtmpadvdoQ". I
also made sure that the /tmp/ directory is readable and writable on all
I know that this question might be more cluster-specific (I'm running
scientific linux) than R specific and my example is hard to reproduce.
However, maybe someone encountered similar problems.  Is it maybe possible
to specify the tempdir in an argument to R CMD BATCH? 

Many thanks in advance,


View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/R-in-batch-mode-cannot-mkdir-R-TempDir-tp4649503.html
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