[R] Why does my regression output look like this?

hoguejm hoguejm at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 04:10:12 CET 2012

Estimate                Std. Error              z value             
(Intercept)                                                   2.338e+00             
2.400e+03              0.001                0.99922    
factor(GENDER)M                                     -1.020e-01             
6.394e-01             -0.160                0.87327    
factor(Ethnicity)Black                              4.868e-01              
1.550e+00             0.314                 0.75348 

A sample from my regression output above.
I am wondering why in the Estimate column, are the values in terms of e.  
Is there a way to get simple numerical values without the e term?


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