[R] CCA with Vegan - Plot problem

rumble14 heather.rumble at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 09:51:31 CET 2012

I've just started using R and am having some problems with CCA using vegan.

I'm looking at abundance p/m2 (hence decimals) vs environmental variables
and have been using
http://ecology.msu.montana.edu/labdsv/R/labs/lab12/lab12.html to guide me

My organism data looks like this:
Sample      "Species_1"   "Species_2"   "Species_3"   etc
Sample_1   0                       0.12432          0.3456

and is in a .csv file

My environment data (.csv again) looks like this:
Temp    Water   etc
18            33.3

I can get vegan to run the CCA with no problems but when I enter

>cca1.plot <- plot(cca.1,choices=c(1,2))

I get the following error message:

Error in function (formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL, na.action = na.fail, 
  invalid type (list) for variable 'org'

('org' is the name of my organism file once attached).

I'd appreciate some help. If I haven't given enough detail, please let me
know. I've tested the example data given on the website and it works so am
obviously missing something I shouldn't be.


View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/CCA-with-Vegan-Plot-problem-tp4649012.html
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