[R] Calling R object from R function
frespider at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 7 16:31:22 CET 2012
Can you please help me with this please?
What I am trying to do is call a vector from R function and used in the new
So I create 4 functions with these arguments
M11 <- function(TrainData,TestData,mdat,nsam) {
ls <- list()
I have few statments one of them is
vectx <- c(,1,2,3,4,5,6,6)
vectz <- c(12,34,5,6,78,9,90)
and then................
Then I great an new function has the following arguments
get.m <- function(dat,asim,ModelFun,M){
Sim <- list()
modInd <- ModelFun(TrainData=dat,TestData=dat,mdat=dat,nsam=0.1) *# HERE IS
MY PROBLEM HOW CAN I JUST CALL vectx without fitting the ModelFun becasue as
you see in the bottom TrainData and Test are arguments used after
resampling. I dont want to use the main dat argument?*
vecx <- modInd$vectx
px <- length(vecx) # ncol for X
nam <-colnames(dat[,vecx])
Asse <- matrix(NA,nrow=asim,ncol=px)
colnames(Asse) <- nam
for(i in 1:asim){
Samdat <- dat[sample(1:nrow(dat), nrow(dat), replace = TRUE), ]
TrSet <- Samdat[1:50,]
TeSet <- Samdat[51:75,]
Model<- ModelFun(TrainData=TrSet ,TestData=TeSet ,mdat=dat,nsam=i)
Y <- Model$Y
X <- Model$X
fit <- lm(Y~X)
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