[R] HELP! Excel and R give me totally different regression results using the exact same data

frauke fhoss at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Nov 7 01:20:59 CET 2012


I am totally confused why Excel and R give me totally different regression
results for the data below. If you know the solution, please enlighten me. 

In Excel I used LINEST() and Data>Data Analysis>Regression  and both
(fortunately) gave the same result.
The coefficients were:
/b0=1.16, b1=0.957, b2=0.024, R2=0.0027, adjusted R2=-0.017/

In R I used model<-lm(as.numeric(test[,1]) /(wave sign here)/
as.numeric(test[,2]) + as.numeric(test[,3]))
The result is:
                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)               3.514     28.913   0.122    0.904
as.numeric(test[, 2])    0.423      1.027   0.412    0.681
as.numeric(test[, 3])    6.629      4.194   1.581    0.117

Residual standard error: 29.19 on 98 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.02706,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.007204 
F-statistic: 1.363 on 2 and 98 DF,  p-value: 0.2607 

Does anybody know what is going on?

Thank you for your time! Frauke

       obs     fcst48 rate24.last           
  [1,] "1.93"  "6.9"  "-0.13"               
  [2,] "5.23"  "6.6"  "6.52"                
  [3,] "5.25"  "6.8"  "5.85"                
  [4,] "5.26"  "6.6"  "1.27"                
  [5,] "5.26"  "6.8"  "-0.0700000000000003" 
  [6,] "5.34"  "6.6"  "-0.95"               
  [7,] "5.37"  "6.9"  "0.78"                
  [8,] "5.56"  "6.7"  "3.05"                
  [9,] "5.60"  "7"    "1.64"                
 [10,] "5.61"  "6.9"  "2.6"                 
 [11,] "5.74"  "6.7"  "4.09"                
 [12,] "5.92"  "6.8"  "1.95"                
 [13,] "5.95"  "6.8"  "-5.87"               
 [14,] "6.08"  "6.6"  "0.1"                 
 [15,] "6.13"  "6.6"  "2.6"                 
 [16,] "6.16"  "6.6"  "-6.15"               
 [17,] "6.26"  "6.5"  "1.4"                 
 [18,] "6.32"  "7"    "9.78"                
 [19,] "6.33"  "6.5"  "0.28"                
 [20,] "6.35"  "6.6"  "-0.0899999999999999" 
 [21,] "6.36"  "6.6"  "-0.13"               
 [22,] "6.37"  "6.9"  "-0.04"               
 [23,] "6.39"  "6.5"  "-2.14"               
 [24,] "6.39"  "6.6"  "0.15"                
 [25,] "6.39"  "6.7"  "2.29"                
 [26,] "6.40"  "6.6"  "-1.84"               
 [27,] "6.42"  "6.7"  "-2.25"               
 [28,] "6.43"  "6.6"  "-0.0300000000000002" 
 [29,] "6.45"  "6.8"  "0.220000000000001"   
 [30,] "6.47"  "6.5"  "-0.18"               
 [31,] "6.51"  "6.9"  "-1.8"                
 [32,] "6.55"  "6.7"  "-1.38"               
 [33,] "6.56"  "6.6"  "1.33"                
 [34,] "6.58"  "6.7"  "7.86"                
 [35,] "6.58"  "6.8"  "-0.220000000000001"  
 [36,] "6.61"  "6.8"  "-0.59"               
 [37,] "6.62"  "6.7"  "-0.24"               
 [38,] "6.62"  "6.7"  "-0.0999999999999996" 
 [39,] "6.64"  "6.6"  "-0.220000000000001"  
 [40,] "6.65"  "6.7"  "-9.63"               
 [41,] "6.69"  "6.8"  "-0.18"               
 [42,] "6.72"  "6.9"  "-0.739999999999999"  
 [43,] "6.73"  "6.8"  "0.83"                
 [44,] "6.76"  "6.6"  "-1.56"               
 [45,] "6.76"  "6.7"  "-1.64"               
 [46,] "6.79"  "6.8"  "-0.140000000000001"  
 [47,] "6.80"  "6.9"  "0.38"                
 [48,] "6.81"  "6.8"  "6.46"                
 [49,] "6.81"  "6.9"  "-0.0199999999999996" 
 [50,] "6.82"  "6.9"  "0.54"                
 [51,] "6.84"  "6.9"  "-0.19"               
 [52,] "6.84"  "7"    "-2.11"               
 [53,] "6.85"  "6.7"  "-0.170000000000001"  
 [54,] "6.88"  "6.9"  "0.0600000000000005"  
 [55,] "6.90"  "6.7"  "-0.0800000000000001" 
 [56,] "6.90"  "7"    "-0.18"               
 [57,] "6.91"  "6.6"  "-4.65"               
 [58,] "6.91"  "6.6"  "3"                   
 [59,] "6.92"  "6.6"  "-0.219999999999999"  
 [60,] "6.94"  "6.8"  "1.4"                 
 [61,] "6.99"  "6.7"  "-0.44"               
 [62,] "6.99"  "6.9"  "1.16"                
 [63,] "7.02"  "6.8"  "-1.72"               
 [64,] "7.03"  "6.8"  "-0.46"               
 [65,] "7.03"  "6.9"  "-0.24"               
 [66,] "7.04"  "7"    "-0.11"               
 [67,] "7.06"  "6.9"  "-0.13"               
 [68,] "7.07"  "6.7"  "-0.0199999999999996" 
 [69,] "7.08"  "6.8"  "0.23"                
 [70,] "7.09"  "6.7"  "0.66"                
 [71,] "7.09"  "7"    "-0.55"               
 [72,] "7.12"  "7"    "-0.17"               
 [73,] "7.15"  "6.7"  "-3.05"               
 [74,] "7.17"  "6.7"  "-0.140000000000001"  
 [75,] "7.26"  "6.9"  "-0.170000000000001"  
 [76,] "7.31"  "7"    "-1.57"               
 [77,] "7.36"  "6.8"  "-0.2"                
 [78,] "7.41"  "6.6"  "-0.29"               
 [79,] "7.42"  "6.6"  "-3.39"               
 [80,] "7.42"  "6.8"  "2.11"                
 [81,] "7.53"  "6.9"  "0.18"                
 [82,] "7.66"  "6.6"  "0"                   
 [83,] "7.74"  "6.7"  "10.31"               
 [84,] "7.87"  "6.9"  "-0.0700000000000003" 
 [85,] "7.89"  "6.6"  "0.24"                
 [86,] "8.07"  "6.8"  "-0.25"               
 [87,] "8.17"  "6.6"  "0.97"                
 [88,] "8.38"  "6.8"  "-0.15"               
 [89,] "8.38"  "6.9"  "0.7"                 
 [90,] "8.43"  "6.8"  "0.0999999999999979"  
 [91,] "8.92"  "6.8"  "0"                   
 [92,] "9.20"  "7"    "0.18"                
 [93,] "9.79"  "6.6"  "0.33"                
 [94,] "9.87"  "6.8"  "0"                   
 [95,] "10.72" "6.8"  "0.13"                
 [96,] "11.61" "6.8"  "1.88"                
 [97,] "16.44" "6.8"  "-0.00999999999999801"
 [98,] "16.55" "6.6"  "2.96"                
 [99,] "16.88" "6.7"  "1.16"                
[100,] "17.72" "6.7"  "-0.0699999999999994" 
[101,] "17.91" "6.7"  "-0.24"               
[102,] "19.03" "6.8"  "-0.430000000000001"  

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