[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon May 28 00:40:05 CEST 2012
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* awsMethods (1.0-0)
Maintainer: Joerg Polzehl
Author(s): Joerg Polzehl <polzehl at wias-berlin.de>
License: GPL (>= 2)
The package defines method extract that in needed in several packages
* BatchExperiments (1.0-486)
Maintainer: Michel Lang
Author(s): Bernd Bischl <bernd_bischl at gmx.net>, Michel Lang
<michellang at gmail.com>, Olaf Mersmann <olafm at p-value.net>
License: BSD
Extends the BatchJobs package to run statistical experiments on batch
computing clusters. For further details see the project web page.
* BatchJobs (1.0-485)
Maintainer: Bernd Bischl
Author(s): Bernd Bischl <bernd_bischl at gmx.net>, Michel Lang
<michellang at gmail.com>, Olaf Mersmann <olafm at p-value.net>
License: BSD
Provides Map, Reduce and Filter variants to generate jobs on batch
computing systems like PBS/Torque, LSF and Sun Grid Engine.
Multicore and SSH systems are also supported. For further details
see the project web page.
* CpGassoc (1.1)
Maintainer: R Barfield
Author(s): Barfield, R., Conneely, K., Kilaru,V
License: GPL (>= 2)
CpGassoc is designed to test for association between methylation at
CpG sites across the genome and a phenotype of interest, adjusting
for any relevant covariates. The package can perform standard
analyses of large datasets very quickly with no need to impute the
data. It can also handle mixed effects models with chip or batch
entering the model as a random intercept. CpGassoc also includes
tools to apply quality control filters, perform permutation tests,
and create QQ plots, manhattan plots, and scatterplots for
individual CpG sites.
* dataframe (2.5)
Maintainer: Tim Hesterberg
Author(s): Tim Hesterberg
License: GPL-2
This contains versions of standard data frame functions in R, modified
to avoid making extra copies of inputs. This is faster,
particularly for large data.
* fgof (0.2-1)
Maintainer: Jun Yan
Author(s): Ivan Kojadinovic and Jun Yan
License: GPL (>= 3)
Goodness-of-fit test with multiplier or parametric bootstrap.
* ForeCA (0.0.1)
Maintainer: Georg M. Goerg
Author(s): Georg M. Goerg <gmg at stat.cmu.edu>
License: GPL (>= 2)
ForeCA is a new blind source separation (BSS) technique for temporally
dependent signals. Contrary to PCA or ICA it explicitly searches for
the best linear transformation that makes the obtained sources as
''forecastable'' as possible. The measure of forecastability
Omega(x_t) is the entropy of the spectral density of the signal.
* Luminescence (0.1.7)
Maintainer: Sebastian Kreutzer
Author(s): Sebastian Kreutzer [aut, cre], Christoph Schmidt [aut, ctb], Margret
C. Fuchs [aut, ctb], Michael Dietze [aut, ctb], Manfred
Fischer [aut, ctb], Markus Fuchs [ths]
License: GPL-3
Package provides a collection of various R functions for Luminescence
Dating data analysis.
* mada (0.4)
Maintainer: Philipp Doebler
Author(s): Philipp Doebler
License: GPL-2
This package provides functions for diagnostic meta-analysis. Next to
basic analysis and visualization the bivariate Model of Reitsma et
al. (2005) that is equivalent to the HSROC of Rutter&Gatsonis (2001)
can be fitted. A new approach based to diagnostic meta-analysis of
Boehning et al. is also available. Standard methods like summary,
plot and so on are provided.
* MetaPath (0.9)
Maintainer: Kui Shen
Author(s): Kui Shen and Geroge Tseng
License: GPL (>= 2.0)
This R package was implemented to perform the Meta-analysis for
Pathway Enrichment (MAPE) methods introduced by Shen and Tseng
(2010). It includes functions to automatically perform MAPE_G
(integrating multiple studies at gene level), MAPE_P (integrating
multiple studies at pathway level) and MAPE_I (a hybrid method
integrating MAEP_G and MAPE_P methods). In the simulation and real
data analyses in the paper, MAPE_G and MAPE_P have complementary
advantages and detection power depending on the data structure. In
general, the integrative form of MAPE_I is recommended to use. In
the case that MAPE_G (or MAPE_P) detects almost none pathway, the
integrative MAPE_I does not improve performance and MAPE_P (or
MAPE_G) should be used. Reference: Shen, Kui, and George C Tseng.
Meta-analysis for pathway enrichment analysis when combining
multiple microarray studies.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 26, no.
10 (April 2010): 1316-1323. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq148.
* NbClust (1.0)
Maintainer: : Nadia Ghazzali
Author(s): Malika Charrad <malika.charrad.1 at ulaval.ca> and Nadia Ghazzali
<nadia.ghazzali at mat.ulaval.ca> and Veronique Boiteau
<veronique.boiteau.1 at ulaval.ca> and Azam Niknafs
<azam.niknafs.1 at ulaval.ca>
License: GPL-2
This package provides most of the popular indices for cluster
validation ready to use for the outputs produced by functions coming
from the same package. It also proposes to user the best clustering
scheme from the different results obtained by varying all
combinations of number of clusters, distance measures, and
clustering methods.
* OptimalCutpoints (1.0)
Maintainer: Monica Lopez Raton
Author(s): Monica Lopez-Raton, Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez
License: GPL
This package enables users to compute one or more optimal cutpoints
for diagnostic tests or continuous markers. Various approaches for
selecting optimal cutoffs have been implemented, including methods
based on cost-benefit analysis and diagnostic test accuracy measures
(Sensitivity/Specificity, Predictive Values and Diagnostic
Likelihood Ratios). Numerical and graphical output for all methods
is easily obtained.
* Taxonstand (1.0)
Maintainer: Luis Cayuela
Author(s): Luis Cayuela
License: GPL (>= 2)
Automated standardization of taxonomic names and removal of
orthograhpic errors in plant species names using the The Plant List
(TPL) website (www.theplantlist.org)
* WeightedPortTest (1.0)
Maintainer: Thomas J. Fisher
Author(s): Thomas J. Fisher and Colin M. Gallagher
License: GPL (>= 3)
This packages contains the Weighted Portmanteau Tests as described in
"New Weighted Portmanteau Statistics for Time Series Goodness-of-Fit
Testing' accepted for publication by the Journal of the American
Statistical Association.
Updated packages
actuar (1.1-4), aws (1.8-0), BinNor (2.0), caTools (1.13), CDVine
(1.1-7), changepoint (0.7), ChemoSpec (1.51-0), cosso (2.0-2),
CpGassoc (1.1), doRNG (1.3), doRNG (1.4.1), dti (1.0-3), dynsurv
(0.1-8), EcoHydRology (0.4.1), EffectStars (1.1), fastICA (1.1-16),
foreign (0.8-50), ftsa (3.2), G1DBN (3.1), gdistance (1.1-3), gmm
(1.4-0), gnm (1.0-2), hash (2.2.3), HH (2.3-15), igraph0 (0.5.5-1),
inlinedocs (1.9.1), iterLap (1.1-2), kaps (0.9-3), ks (1.8.8),
Maeswrap (1.4.11), MatrixEQTL (1.6.1), maxent (1.3.2), mgcv (1.7-17),
ModelMap (2.3.1), multcompView (0.1-5), muma (1.2), NBPSeq (0.1.6),
nlme (3.1-104), oce (0.8-8), oce (0.8-9), okmesonet (0.1.3), OpenCL
(0.1-3), osDesign (1.6), osmar (1.1-4), pdc (0.3), qgraph (1.0.5), qtl
(1.24-9), qtutils (0.1-3), RcppArmadillo (, rcppbugs (0.1.0),
RForcecom (0.2), Rjms (0.0.3), Rmpfr (0.4-8), ror (0.8), Rsolnp
(1.12), rtape (2.1), rugarch (1.0-9), SamplingStrata (0.9-3),
spacetime (0.7-0), SPARQL (1.9), SparseGrid (0.8.1), SpatialTools
(0.4.1), survey (3.28-1), synbreed (0.9-3)
New reviews
* xlsx, by fiutzi
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