[R] storing output of a loop in a matrix

RH Gibson Rachel.Gibson at bristol.ac.uk
Wed May 23 10:23:04 CEST 2012

"blap.txt" is a numeric vector of length 64.

I am using the following code:

for (i in 10){

while (s>0)
{x1<-sample(bd,(length(bd)-1), replace=F)


write.table(output, file="res.txt")

This code is not doing what I'd like it to do:

1. It is not running through the while loop 10 times, just once.
2. I can't work out how to get the results into the output matrix. The
matrix should be 10 columns with the decreasing s values for each of the
10 runs through the for loop.

Sorry for any obvious mistakes. I'm very new to R and teaching myself.
Where am I going wrong here, please?

Thank you.


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