[R] Names of Greek letters stored as character strings; plotmath.

Rolf Turner rolf.turner at xtra.co.nz
Mon May 21 01:40:21 CEST 2012

On 21/05/12 10:53, Robert Baer wrote:

> This discussion has been exceedingly helpful, sort of.
> Every time I try to do a task involving this I read the documentation 
> for bquote(), expression(), plotmath(), etc.,  over and over, and I 
> still fail to get the big picture of how R parses things under the 
> hood.  Typically, I only succeed each time by frustrating trial and 
> error.   Can I ask how you guys got a handle on the bigger (besides 
> your usual brilliance <G>)?
> Is there more comprehensive documentation in the developer literature 
> or is there a user wiki that you would recommend for those who never 
> quite get the big picture?  If not, this would be a worthy topic for 
> an R Journal article if someone has knowledge and the time to do it.  
> Wish I were knowledgeable enough to do it myself.

Amen.  My experience/reaction exactly.

I think though that the concepts involved are really truly subtle and it may
be difficult for the brilliant guys to explain them in such a way that 
those of
us who are less brilliant can understand them.



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