[R] Runs up and runs down test

Hans W Borchers hwborchers at googlemail.com
Sat May 19 09:50:27 CEST 2012

JWDougherty <jwd <at> surewest.net> writes:

> Can someone point me to an implementation of the "runs up and runs
> down" test, or does such beast exist in R? From web searches the
> "runs up and runs down" test is commonly used for testing pseudo-random
> number generators and in simulations.  John C. Davis describes its use
> in geology in his book on geological statistics (2002).  Having
> searched the full site, I can locate only the "runs.test()" in the
> tseries package.

See the "Runs test" in the *Dieharder* random number test suite
(if I understand your request properly),
available in R through the 'RDieHarder' package.

Hans Werner

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