[R] Correlation in Rattle

Paul Miller pjmiller_57 at yahoo.com
Fri May 18 15:15:04 CEST 2012

Hi Avideh,

I have Rattle installed on the 64-bit version of R 2.15.0 and this seems to work OK. I had a dataset of my own loaded into Rattle when I saw your email. Tried creating the plot using these data but got a warning saying I should limit the number of variables to 40. So I changed to the weather dataset that comes with the software (which has fewer variables) and everything worked fine.

Do you have a lot of variables in your data? What happens when you try this using the weather dataset? If you're unfamiliar with the weather dataset, you can load it by launching Rattle and then clicking execute.

If there really is a problem, maybe uninstalling and reinstalling Rattle would fix it? For uninstall, you can use code like: remove.packages("rattle"). For re-install, you could use code like: install.packages("rattle", dependencies = TRUE).



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