[R] Master data frame or so

I.R. Holtman I.R.Holtman at med.umcg.nl
Tue May 15 17:33:46 CEST 2012

Dear sir/madam,

I have been using R for a while now for microarray analysis, and I would
like to make a "master" data frame in which I can combine information from
many different sources. The basic list a genelist with 25.000 probes, then I
would like to have a subcompartment with the statistical information, a
subcompartment with more extensive information regarding each gene, and then
the output from several clustering programs, which group a number of genes
and relate those to a function. In my mind this file looks like: 

Genelist: c("ILM1"," ILM2", "ILM3", "ILM4")  
$p.value (0.01, 0.002, 0.0004, 0.006) 
$fold.change (2, 4,3, 0.5) 
$("HemoglobinA1",  "Myosin1",  "Myosin2", " HemoglobinB1") 
$Blood("X", "", "",  "X") 
$Muscle("", "X", "X","") 

I have no idea how to make such a file. I have been reading about matrices,
data.frames, S4-objects, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help me
with this? 

Many thanks in advance! 

Kind regards,
Inge Holtman

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