[R] Searching for values

barb mainzel89 at hotmail.com
Thu May 3 13:28:06 CEST 2012

Hey YaoPau,

what you need are basically three things. If, for and matrix-operations. 

So a quick overview, how you could do it. (With focus on the idea, not 
how the columns and rows are arranged. 

# 1) Building the Vectors with c()


# 1) Building the vector with numbers and letters 
# you can use paste here (cat is also a useful function
# for similar purposes). Seq is obv a sequence. 
# Sep="" tells R to not split the letter and numbers
# try sep=" " for the difference


## rep can be used to create an empty vetor, not very
## elegant though


## cbind for creating a matrix out of two vetors

#### Now the interesting part. More difficult to explain
## Focus on the middle term. If term of column 1 equals
## term in the matrix function you want to insert 1.
### Same thing for "a-1" below.
### no you want to perform this for all 700 rows = [length(longvector)]
### and for all values in column1 = [length(column1)]
## you will use "for" here. 

for (i in 1:length(longvector)){
  for (j in 1: length(column1)){
    if (column1[j]==matrix[,1][i]){
    if (column2[j]==matrix[,1][i]){

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