[R] Discrepancies in the estimates of Partial least square (PLS) in SAS and R

Bjørn-Helge Mevik b.h.mevik at usit.uio.no
Thu May 3 09:33:24 CEST 2012

rakeshnb <rakeshnb50 at gmail.com> writes:

> I have been using R and SAS from past 6 months and i found a interesting
> thing while doing PLS in R and SAS is that when we use NO SCALE option in
> SAS and scale=FALSE in R , we see the estimates are matching but if we use
> scaling option in SAS and R the estimates differ to greater extent , you can
> try with any data set we will get very different estimates while using the
> scaling option. can any one help me in this issue ?

My guess is that they use different scalings, which of course will give
different results.  However, since you don't say anything about which R
package you use for PLSR (and since I don't have access to SAS), I can
only guess. :)

Bjørn-Helge Mevik

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