[R] Automaticall adjust axis scales

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Tue Mar 20 10:07:25 CET 2012

Alaios wrote:
 > Dear all,
 > I have made a function that given a number of list elements plot them 
to the same window.
 > The first element is plotted by using plot and all the rest are 
plotted under the
 > same window by using lines.
 > I have below a small and simple reproducible example.
 > x1<-c(1:10)
 > plot(x1)
 > x2<-c(11:20)
 > lines(x2)
 > x3<-c(31:40)
 > lines(x3)
 > as you might notice
 > the two consecutive lines fail to be plotted as the axis were formed 
by the first plot.
 > Would it be possible after the last lines to change the axis to the 
minimum and the maximum of all data sets to be visible?
 > Any idea how I can do that?
Hi Alaois,
Try this:



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