[R] rgl: cylinder3d() with elliptical cross-section

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 06:40:34 CET 2012

Michael Friendly <friendly <at> yorku.ca> writes:

> For a paper dealing with generalized ellipsoids, I want to illustrate in 
> 3D an ellipsoid that is unbounded
> in one dimension, having the shape of an infinite cylinder along, say, 
> z, but whose cross-section in (x,y)
> is an ellipse, say, given by the 2x2 matrix cov(x,y).
> I've looked at rgl:::cylinder3d, but don't see any way to make it 
> accomplish this.  Does anyone have
> any ideas?

  I haven't quite got this in the form you want, but maybe it's
a start (I started from the ellipsoid3d() function in demo("shapes3d") ...

cyl3d <- function(rx=1,ry=1,n=30,ctr=c(0,0,0),
                        trans = par3d("userMatrix"),...) {
   if (missing(trans) && !rgl.cur()) trans <- diag(4)
   degvec <- seq(0,2*pi,length=n)
   zvec <- seq(0,zmax,length=n)
   ecoord2 <- function(p) {
   v <- apply(expand.grid(degvec,zvec),1,ecoord2)
   if (qmesh) v <- rbind(v,rep(1,ncol(v))) ## homogeneous
   e <- expand.grid(1:(n-1),1:n)
   i1 <- apply(e,1,function(z)z[1]+n*(z[2]-1))
   i2 <- i1+1
   i3 <- (i1+n-1) %% n^2 + 1
   i4 <- (i2+n-1) %% n^2 + 1
   i <- rbind(i1,i2,i4,i3)
   if (!qmesh)
   else return(rotate3d(qmesh3d(v,i,material=...),matrix=trans))


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