[R] Obtaining & saving cluster membership via hclust

Bob Green bgreen at dyson.brisnet.org.au
Sun Jun 24 06:20:39 CEST 2012


I want to examine the characteristics of 49 persons in terms of their 
symptoms and motivations, in a cluster analysis . The data is in a 
binary format.

I was hoping to save and then examine the cluster membership. I would 
appreciate advice on whether this is possible within hclust and if 
so, how do I do this? The syntax I have employed so far, follows.

FS4 <- read.csv("E://Arsont2.csv",header=T)
dmat <- dist(FS4,  method="binary")
ctest <- hclust (dist(FS4,  method="binary"), "ave")

Bob Green

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