[R] Changing many csv files using apply?

Chang, Emily@OEHHA emily.chang at oehha.ca.gov
Mon Jun 18 23:38:14 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I have many csv files whose contents I want to change a bit en masse. So far, I've written code that can change them in a for loop, like so:

# Subset of files in the folder I want to change
subset = "somestring"
# Retrieve list of files to change
filelist = filelist[grep(subset, filelist)]

for(i in 1:length(filelist)){
        temp = read.csv(filelist[i],as.is = T, strip.white = T)
        >whatever I want to do to temp

	write.table(temp, file = filelist[i], sep = ",", col.names=NA)

It's a little slow though, so I would like to get rid of the for loop but preserve its function. Would it be possible to use sapply() or something similar? Any insight would be appreciated!

Best regards,

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