[R] gWidgets - gtable returning multiple values

j verzani jverzani at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 20:19:05 CEST 2012

michaelyb <cel81009759 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> To whoever is looking for the same thing as I was,
>  I found a solution, or
> sort of.
> Here is the code:
> flavors<-c("vanilla", "chocolate", "strawberry") 
> w <- gwindow("checkbox example") 
> gp <- ggroup(container=w) 
> glabel("Favorite flavors:",cont=gp) 
> cbg <- gtable(flavors, cont=gp, multiple=T) 
> # Here is the trick
>  addHandlerClicked(cbg,handler=function(h,...){
> My_Flav<-svalue(cbg)
>  print(My_Flav)
> })
> Select multiple lines, and you shall see all the selected rows.

Can you check if the following runs? It worked for me so it may be
an older version (on gWIdgetsRGtk2 and gWidgetstcltk)

w <- gwindow(visible=FALSE)
g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE)
tbl <- gtable(mtcars[1:5,], cont=g, multiple=TRUE, expand=TRUE)
b <- gbutton("click", cont=g, handler=function(h,...) {
visible(w) <- TRUE

svalue(tbl, index=TRUE) <- 1:2
print(svalue(tbl, index=TRUE))

You should see 1 2 on the console and the first and second rows
should appear selected.

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