[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 00:40:05 CEST 2012
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* complex.surv.dat.sim (1.0)
Maintainer: David Moriña
Author(s): David Moriña, Centre Tecnològic de Nutrició i Salut and Albert
Navarro, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
License: GPL (>= 2)
Simulation of complex survival data
* EpiEstim (1.0-0)
Maintainer: Anne Cori
Author(s): Anne Cori <a.cori at imperial.ac.uk>
License: GPL (>= 2)
This package provides tools to quantify transmissibility throughout an
epidemic from the analysis of time series of incidence.
* JMLSD (1.0)
Maintainer: Emil A. Cornea
Author(s): Emil A. Cornea, Liddy M. Chen, Bahjat F. Qaqish, Haitao Chu, and
Joseph G. Ibrahim
License: GPL-2
The package contains a R-function to perform power calculation for
joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data, with k-th order
trajectories, when the variance-covariance matrix Sigma_theta is
* mpMap (1.14)
Maintainer: Emma Huang
Author(s): Emma Huang
License: GPL-2
Tools for constructing linkage maps, reconstructing haplotypes,
estimating linkage disequilibrium and QTL mapping in multi-parent
RIL designs (e.g. MAGIC)
* phcfM (1.0)
Maintainer: Ghislain Vieilledent
Author(s): Ghislain Vieilledent <ghislain.vieilledent at cirad.fr>
License: GPL (>= 2)
A package for modelling anthropogenic deforestation
* qtlnet (1.2.4)
Maintainer: Brian S. Yandell
Author(s): Elias Chaibub Neto <echaibub at hotmail.com> and Brian S. yandell
<yandell at stat.wisc.edu>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Functions to Simultaneously Infer Causal Graphs and Genetic
* R330 (1.0)
Maintainer: Alan Lee
Author(s): Alan Lee, Blair Robertson
License: GPL-2
This is a collection of useful functions and data for Stats 330
* RIFS (0.1-5)
Maintainer: Pavel V. Moskalev
Author(s): Pavel V. Moskalev, Alexey G. Bukhovets and Tatyana Ya. Biruchinskay
License: GPL-3
RIFS package provides functionality for generating & plotting
prefractals in R^n with various protofractal sets and partition
coefficient for iterative segments
* rriskDistributions (1.7)
Maintainer: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Matthias Greiner
Author(s): Natalia Belgorodski (STAT-UP Statistical Consulting, Germany),
Matthias Greiner (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment,
Germany), Kristin Tolksdorf (Federal Institute for Risk
Assessment, Germany), Katharina Schueller (STAT-UP
Statistical Consulting, Germany)
License: GPL (>= 3)
Collection of functions for fitting distributions to given data or by
known quantiles. Two main functions fit.perc() and fit.cont()
provide users a GUI that allows to choose a most appropriate
distribution without any knowledge of the R syntax.
* spclust (1.0)
Maintainer: Emma Huang
Author(s): Emma Huang
License: GPL-2
Selection of subsets of experimental crosses in order to maximize
genetic diversity
* SteinerNet (1.0)
Maintainer: Afshin Sadeghi
Author(s): Afshin Sadeghi, Holger Froehlich
License: GPL-3
A set of graph functions writen in R to perform steiner tree network
data analysis on biological pathway data
* Voss (0.1-4)
Maintainer: Pavel V. Moskalev
Author(s): Pavel V. Moskalev
License: GPL-3
Voss package provides functionality for generating realizations of a
fractal Brownian function on uniform 1D & 2D grid with classic and
generic versions of the Voss algorithm (random sequential additions)
Updated packages
AICcmodavg (1.25), anametrix (0.2), arm (1.5-05), bayesDem (1.7-0),
bayesPop (2.0-2), betategarch (1.2), Biograph (2.0.1), bios2mds
(1.2.2), CHCN (1.5), countrycode (0.7), crs (0.15-17), cvplogistic
(2.1-0), deducorrect (1.2-0), DiceOptim (1.3.1), DiceView (1.2-1),
directlabels (2.6), DSL (0.1-2), editrules (2.5-0), faoutlier (0.2.3),
fda.usc (0.9.8), ffbase (0.5), fGarch (2110.80.1), forecast (3.22),
forensim (3.1), gdata (2.10.0), gdata (2.10.5), gplots (2.11.0), gRim
(0.1-9), gWidgetstcltk (0.0-51), gWidgetsWWW (0.0-23), harvestr (0.4),
HMPTrees (1.1), iDEMO (0.2-01), IPMpack (1.2), joineR (1.0-2),
LaplacesDemon (12.06.04), lazyWeave (2.1.4), leiv (2.0-5), markdown
(0.5.1), mc2d (0.1-13), minPtest (1.3), mirt (0.2.5), modelcf (2.1.1),
ModelMap (2.3.2), movMF (0.0-1), MultiPhen (0.6), pacose (1.1),
partykit (0.1-4), pdfCluster (1.0-0), phyclust (0.1-12), pracma
(1.1.0), qvcalc (0.8-8), R2Cuba (1.0-7), rainbow (2.9), relsurv
(2.0-3), rgenoud (5.7-8), RghcnV3 (2.9), RHive (0.0-6), Rmosek
(1.2.3), robustbase (0.9-2), rrlda (1.1), RXKCD (1.7-3), Rz (0.5-0),
Sim.DiffProc (2.5), skmeans (0.2-2), sparkTable (0.9.4), SpatialVx
(0.1-2), SPSL (0.1-6), standGL (1.1), stpp (0.3), timeordered (0.9.1),
TraMineR (1.8-2), TSodbc (2012.5-1), VennDiagram (1.2.1), x12 (1.0-2)
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