[R] Data.frames can not hold objects...What can be done in the following scenario?

Onur Uncu onuruncu at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 12:41:04 CEST 2012

R-Help community,

I understand that data.frames can hold elements of type double, string
etc but NOT objects (such as a matrix etc). This is not convenient for
me in the following situation. I have a function that takes 2 inputs
and returns a vector:

testfun <- function (x,y) seq(x,y,1)

I have a data.frame defined as follows:


I would like to apply testfun to every row of testframe and then
create a new column in the data.frame which holds the returned vectors
as objects. Why do I want this? Because the returned vectors are an
intermediate step towards further calculations. It would be great to
keep adding new columns to the data.frame with the intermediate
objects. But this is not possible since data.frames can not hold
objects as elements. What do you suggest as an elegant solution in
this scenario? Thank you for any help!

I would love to hear if forum

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