[R] Clusters: How to build a "Amalgamation Schedule" (sequence of jointing )?
womak at pochta.ru
Thu Jan 26 00:35:15 CET 2012
Below is the function *hclust*
function (d, method = "complete", members = NULL)
METHODS <- c("ward", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty",
"median", "centroid")
method <- pmatch(method, METHODS)
if (is.na(method))
stop("invalid clustering method")
if (method == -1)
stop("ambiguous clustering method")
n <- as.integer(attr(d, "Size"))
if (is.null(n))
stop("invalid dissimilarities")
if (n < 2)
stop("must have n >= 2 objects to cluster")
len <- as.integer(n * (n - 1)/2)
if (length(d) != len)
(if (length(d) < len)
else warning)("dissimilarities of improper length")
if (is.null(members))
members <- rep(1, n)
else if (length(members) != n)
stop("invalid length of members")
hcl <- .Fortran(C_hclust, n = n, len = len, method = as.integer(method),
ia = integer(n), ib = integer(n), crit = double(n), members =
nn = integer(n), disnn = double(n), flag = logical(n),
diss = as.double(d), PACKAGE = "stats")
hcass <- .Fortran(C_hcass2, n = as.integer(n), ia = as.integer(hcl$ia),
ib = as.integer(hcl$ib), order = integer(n), iia = integer(n),
iib = integer(n), PACKAGE = "stats")
tree <- list(merge = cbind(hcass$iia[1L:(n - 1)], hcass$iib[1L:(n -
1)]), height = hcl$crit[1L:(n - 1)], order = hcass$order,
labels = attr(d, "Labels"), method = METHODS[method],
call = match.call(), dist.method = attr(d, "method"))
class(tree) <- "hclust"
If a function has no cycles, then, in my view amateur, all the action on the
formation of the cluster tree are made in:
/*hcl */<- *.Fortran*(C_hclust, n = n, len = len, method =
as.integer(method), ia = integer(n), ib = integer(n), crit = double(n),
members = as.double(members), nn = integer(n), disnn = double(n), flag =
logical(n), diss = as.double(d), PACKAGE = "stats")
/*hcass */<- *.Fortran*(C_hcass2, n = as.integer(n), ia =
as.integer(hcl$ia), ib = as.integer(hcl$ib), order = integer(n), iia =
integer(n), iib = integer(n), PACKAGE = "stats")
where can I see some procedures /*C_hclust*/ и */C_hcass2/* or they are
present in the *R* already compiled? If it possible , then there is hope to
save the merger of clusters in the file and get the "Amalgamation Schedule"
(sequence of jointing).
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Clusters-How-to-build-a-Amalgamation-Schedule-sequence-of-jointing-tp4319741p4329061.html
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