[R] passing "..." arguments to (plot.ca)

Ian Robertson igr at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 22 21:23:52 CET 2012

I am hoping someone can give me a couple of pointers on how to pass 
arguments using "..."--in this specific case in an attempt to plot an 
object created by ca(), a tool for correspondence analysis.

#some illustrative code
dat1 <- data.frame(matrix(ceiling(runif(30, 1, 100)), nc=5)) #some fake data
ca1 <- ca(dat1) #the correspondence analysis
plot(ca1) #basic symmetric plot
plot(ca1, ylim=c(-.4, .5), cex=2, xlab="CA Axis 1") #failed attempt to 
control various "extra" parameters
   title(xlab="CA Axis 1") #this gets me access to xlabels...
?plot.ca #help!

The last line suggests that "..." can be used to pass on arguments to 
plot (and points), but I can't seem to make it work. I have in the past 
been able to pass arguments to various tools (such plotting tools in the 
lattice library) using list(), but I can't get anything similar to work 
in this case. I have done some searching in the help archives (and 
various of my R books) without identifying anything helpful--so any 
suggestions for specific code I might try, or things I need to go read, 
etc., would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Ian

Ian G. Robertson
Department of Anthropology
Stanford University
e:    igr at stanford.edu

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