[R] Apply Function to List by Group Returning Result with Dim of List

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Jan 20 03:15:43 CET 2012

On Jan 19, 2012, at 6:42 PM, jamesrobinsonjnr wrote:

> I have a panel data set defined as a simple data.frame with a factor  
> age and
> income. I would like to generate the results of a set function such  
> as (sum,
> mean, or even diff) separate for each factor (category or age group).
> However I want the result to have the same dimension as the overal
> data.frame. Therefore, I expect to get repeaded the same result for  
> each
> item within a category, but different accross categories.
> Eg:
> age    income    avg_inc
> 20         100           100
> 20           90           100
> 20         110           100
> 30          200          200
> 30          250          200
> 30          150          200

?ave  (which returnsf the same length as the first argument.)

?aggregate (neither which will yield that same number of items

(There are also the doBy and plyr packages.)

> What builtin function can assist in doing this without my having to  
> write
> loops. I know in Eviews there is the sumsby, meansby, minsby and so  
> forth.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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