[R] Restricting R session

Antonio Rodriges antonio.rrz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 21:13:45 CET 2012

Thank you, Uwe,

below are my comments

>> In particular, how to prohibit some set of functions, for example,
>> from "base" package?
> You can't: R is free software.

This does not imply it must be inflexible and unsuitable for cloud services

> Well, of course you could build your own
> version of R that did not ship those functions. Anyway, typical restrictions
> are handled by settig permissions on the file system and/or arrange quotas
> for space / memory / CPU resources.

Disk quotas and permissions are helpful in case when R function
depends on disk access. For other functions something more special
must be devised.

>> How to limit session operating memory and CPU time?
> Ask he manual of your operating system.

The most straightforward Linux command is ulimit which limits
CPU/memory per shell/user/system wide. However, sessions are child
processes of R and this requires testing whether limits will cover all
sessions or each session separately.

Kind regards,
Antonio Rodriges

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