[R] Problem reading .por (SPSS portable) data file

william jawde willjawde at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 02:43:14 CET 2012


I have both foreign and Hmisc packages installed. However, when I attempt to import a SPSS .por file, I get the following error message: 

Error in read.spss(file, use.value.labels = use.value.labels, to.data.frame = to.data.frame,  : 
  error reading portable-file dictionary
In addition: Warning message:
In read.spss(file, use.value.labels = use.value.labels, to.data.frame = to.data.frame,  :
  Duplicate label for value 99.9 for variable TVRELIG

The code I use is: testdat<-spss.get("/Users/will/Dropbox/gss1972-2010spss.por",use.value.labels=TRUE)

Any idea of what the problem may be? Thank you in advance.

-Will Jawde

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