[R] tm_map help

Milan Bouchet-Valat nalimilan at club.fr
Mon Feb 27 11:21:21 CET 2012

Le lundi 27 février 2012 à 10:47 +1100, Sachinthaka Abeywardana a
écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am trying to do some text mining with twitter and I am getting the error:
> Error in structure(names(sapply(possibleCompletions, "[", 1)), names = x) :
>   'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
> When I use tm_map. Has anyone had/seen this error before? The code I
> have is shown below and this error only occurs with #qantas, hashtags
> like #asx, #obama work ok.
Please try to identify the document and the steps that trigger the
problem more precisely. You should come up with the simplest example
that reproduces the bug with #qantas, and then remove half the documents
of the corpus, retry, and do that until you find the culprit. Then it
will be easier to find the cause of the bug.


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