[R] listing array after loop
Petr Savicky
savicky at cs.cas.cz
Fri Feb 24 20:23:34 CET 2012
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 09:48:16AM -0800, uday wrote:
> I want to create r object from my data set.
> I have several data files and I would like to read individual parameter
> from file and save all 10 files parameter in a single array
> e.g
> setwd("/temp/")
> file_s <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "0b.was", all.files = FALSE,
> full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, ignore.case =
> lat <- NULL
> lon <- NULL
> ch4 <- NULL
> for ( i in 1:10) {
> data <- read.table(file_s[i],header=TRUE,skip=55 )
> lat[i] = data[,7] # latitude
> temp.lon = data[,8] # longitude
> # the longitude data is in 360 degree format need to convert to -180 to 180
> lon[i] = ((temp.lon+180) %% 360 ) - 180
> ch4[i] = data[,45] # ch4
> }
> save (lat,lon,ch4, file="myData.RData"")
> but some how it does not work .
If you get an error message, please, send it. If you get a
result, but it differs from what you expect, explain, what
is wrong. At the first glance, i do not see anything
suspicious. However, i do not know, what is the contents
of the files file_s[i] and whether the number of file
names in file_s is at least 10.
Petr Savicky.
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