[R] installing the package Rcplex

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Mon Feb 20 00:44:29 CET 2012

Just a guess (based on evidence of failing to read other instructions  
that were made available), but have you perhaps forgotten to install  
Rtools for Windows?



On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:13 PM, zheng wei wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have difficulty in installing the package of Rcplex. Its  
> description web is at
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rcplex/index.html
> First, I tried
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> url <- "http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Rcplex_0.3-0.tar.gz";
> download.file(url, basename(url), mode="wb")
> install.packages(basename(url), repos=NULL)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> but got the error of
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> install.packages(basename(url), repos=NULL)
> Error in gzfile(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
> In addition: Warning messages:
> 1: In unzip(zipname, exdir = dest) : error 1 in extracting from zip  
> file
> 2: In gzfile(file, "r") :
>   cannot open compressed file 'Rcplex_0.3-0.tar.gz/DESCRIPTION',  
> probable reason 'No such file or directory'
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Then, I looked into the installation instruction of this package at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rcplex/INSTALL
> Since I am using windows, I was looking at the instruction as
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ***WINDOWS***
> Installation on Windows systems is done by using the provided
> Makevars.win file in the src directory. It contains the following
> lines:
> PKG_LIBS=-L<CPLEX_DIR>/lib/x86_windows_vs2008/stat_mda -lcplex111 -lm
> where <cplex_dir> is the cplex installation directory
> e.g. /c/ilog/cplex111. Please edit your Makevars.win file accordingly.
> We have successfully tested this procedure with CPLEX 11.1 on 32-bit
> Windows XP.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I do not understand what it means exactly. I do fine the file of  
> Makevars.win, and confirmed the content as described above. But what  
> directory should I replace "/c/ilog/cplex111", and how to proceed so  
> as to install the package. I got no idea. One thing to note is that  
> it is stated from the web http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Optimization.html 
>  that
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Interfaces to Commercial Optimizers
> This section surveys interfaces to commercial solvers. Typically,  
> the  corresponding libraries have to be installed separately.
> 	* PackagescplexAPI andRcplex provide an    interface to the CPLEX  
> solver package from IBM . CPLEX    provides dual/primal simplex  
> optimizers as well as a barrier    optimizer for solving large scale  
> linear and quadratic    programs. Furthermore, it offers a mixed  
> integer optimizer to    solve difficult mixed integer programs. Note  
> that CPLEX is not    free  and you have to get a license from IBM .  
> Academics will receive a free    licence upon request. [LP, IP, BP,  
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am not sure the above statement is relevant or not. In case there  
> is a necessary to get the license, since I work in a university and  
> I think I could figure out how to get it by consulting the support  
> within my own university.
> Thank you very much!
> William
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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