[R] R Package "example" section of .Rd file question (think it's a non-ASCII issue, but not sure...)

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Wed Feb 15 22:20:12 CET 2012

On 02/15/2012 12:18 PM, Ben Ganzfried wrote:
> Hey,
> I keep getting the following warning:
>> data(GSE19829-GPL570_eset)
> Warning in data(GSE19829 - GPL570_eset) :
>    data set ‘GSE19829 - GPL570_eset’ not found
>> ## maybe str(GSE19829-GPL570_eset) ; plot(GSE19829-GPL570_eset) ...

Hi Ben --

'-' is being parsed as a minus sign;  you could (I think) quote it


or better come up with a legal name.


>> if(require(affy)){
> +   summary(GSE19829-GPL570_eset$vital_status)
> +  }
> Error in summary(GSE19829 - GPL570_eset$vital_status) :
>    object 'GSE19829' not found
> Execution halted
> This error does not happen on other of my other .Rd files.  None of the
> other .Rd files have a "-" character in their title.  for example, the
> other files have the following:
>> data(GSE1234)
> OR
>> data(GSE5678)
> I think the issue is the "-" character, but I'm not sure.  Does anyone know
> if this is the case?  And if so, how do I fix it?  If not, any other
> suggestions?
> Much thanks!
> Ben
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