[R] Makefile to compile .so in src

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Mon Feb 6 10:41:00 CET 2012

On 05.02.2012 23:17, Matyas Sustik wrote:
> Hi Uwe,
>> 1. I don't believe you really need all the flags from above. If so, within a
>> package, use a Makevars file.
>> 2. R CMD SHLIB QUIC.cpp shoudl do the trick already, perhaps some linker
>> flags are required for blas that can be specified in the same line, see R
>> CMD SHLIB --help
> Thanks, I think I understand now better.  I was not familiar with
> Makevars files (I only dealt with Makefiles before).
> I ended up simply using in the Makevars file:
> which seems to do the job.  I am just slightly uncertain about the $()
> notation; in some docs I saw @BLAS_LIBS@ to appear.  So is
> $() ok? Is it the right syntax?

The @BLAS_LIBS@ should typically appear in an .in file only rather than 
the Makevars file itself.

Uwe Ligges

> Thanks again!
> -Matyas

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