[R] incomplete final line found on <name of my sourced function file>

Dimitri Liakhovitski dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 22:56:49 CET 2012

Thank you, Michael - it worked - it was exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you, David - I added the link to my toolbar - and sorry, you are
right, I should have searched more.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 4:52 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
> Dimitri.
> This has been asked a whole bunch of times on this list. Do a search on the
> text in the error message if you doubt me. I have this link on my toolbar:
> R-search:
> http://search.r-project.org/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?query=&max=100&result=normal&sort=score&idxname=Rhelp10&idxname=Rhelp08&idxname=Rhelp02&idxname=functions
> --
> David.
> On Feb 3, 2012, at 4:28 PM, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:
>> Try opening the file up in a text editor and inserting a blank line or
>> two on the end. (There's either an EOL or EOF character missing and
>> this trick usually works for me -- never sure why/when it happens
>> though)
>> Michael
>> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 4:23 PM, Dimitri Liakhovitski
>> <dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear R-ers,
>>> I hope there is a really simple solution to my problem.
>>> I've written a function that I saved in an .r file. I source this file
>>> in my code. For a while it worked fine. But then when I run the line:
>>> source("F mylineplot.r")
>>> I started getting a warning:
>>> In readLines(file) : incomplete final line found on 'F mylineplot.r'
>>> I have no idea why - I tried to check and to recheck what's going on,
>>> but am not finding anything.
>>> The code works both when I try to run it NOT as a function and when I
>>> run it AS a function. So why the warning message?
>>> Just in case - the text of my function inside my file that I source. I
>>> really don't expect anyone to dig into it - but maybe something will
>>> jump at you?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> Dimitri
>>> ### Creating a plot with (aggregated) several lines:
>>> # indata - my data frame
>>> # datesvar - name of the variable that contains dates
>>> # inars - names of the variables to be graphed
>>> # myfunction - function to be used (mean or sum)
>>> # my metric - string for the metric
>>> # mytitle - title of the graph
>>> # fixedy - if 1, range on y axis starts with zero
>>> # indata=en;datesvar="Week";invars=seas[5];myfunction=mean
>>> # mymetric="TEST";fixedy=0;title="BLA"
>>> mylines =
>>> function(indata,datesvar,invars,myfunction,mymetric,mytitle,fixedy=0)
>>> {
>>>  all.colors<-c("#E0EEEE","#0000CD","#D4D4D4","#FFC1C1","#FFDEAD","#9ACD32",
>>>       "#99CCFF","#6495ED","#66CDAA","#EEC900","#BC8F8F",
>>>  "#C00000","#696969","#473C8B","#8B4500",     "#FF7F00","#9370DB",
>>>       "#800000","#104E8B","#228B22")[20:1]
>>>  myagg<-aggregate(indata[invars],by=indata[datesvar],FUN=myfunction)
>>>  yrange=range(pretty(as.matrix(myagg[2:length(myagg)])))
>>>  if(fixedy==0){
>>>   ymin<-yrange[1]
>>>   ymax<-yrange[2]} else {
>>>   ymin<-0
>>>   ymax<-yrange[2]}
>>>  ydistance<-ymax-ymin
>>>  if(ydistance>0.1 & ydistance<=1){mystep<-0.1} else {
>>>   if(ydistance>1 & ydistance<=10){mystep<-1/2} else {
>>>       if(ydistance>10 & ydistance<=100) {mystep<-10/5} else {
>>>       if(ydistance>100 & ydistance<=1000) {mystep<-100/5} else {
>>>         if(ydistance>1000 & ydistance<=10000) {mystep<-1000/2} else {
>>>           if(ydistance>10000 & ydistance<=100000) {mystep<-10000/5} else
>>> {
>>>             mystep<-100000/5
>>>           }
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>  }
>>>  nr.of.dates<-length(myagg[[datesvar]]); index<-seq(1,nr.of.dates,2)
>>>  par(bg = "white")
>>>  plot(x=myagg[[datesvar]],y=myagg[,2],ylim=c(ymin,ymax),col=all.colors[1],type='l',
>>>         ylab=mymetric,xlab="",lwd=2,xaxt='n',yaxt='n',main=mytitle)
>>>  mycolors<-1
>>>  for(i in 2:length(invars)){
>>>   mycolors<-c(mycolors,(i))
>>>  }
>>>  axis(1, labels =format(as.Date(myagg[[datesvar]][index],
>>> origin="1970-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d"),
>>>               at=myagg[[datesvar]][index], las=2,cex.axis=0.8)
>>>  axis(2,
>>> labels=seq(ymin,ymax,by=mystep),at=seq(ymin,ymax,by=mystep),las=1,cex.axis=0.9)
>>>  abline(v=myagg[[datesvar]][index],lty="dotted",col = "lightgray")
>>> #  abline(h=seq(ymin,ymax,by=mystep), lty="dotted",col = "lightgray")
>>>  legend("topleft",inset=0,legend=invars,fill=all.colors[mycolors],horiz=T,bg="white",cex=1)
>>> # ?plot
>>>  points(myagg[[datesvar]],myagg[[invars[1]]],type="l",lwd=3,lty=i,col=all.colors[1])
>>>  for(i in 2:length(invars)){
>>> points(myagg[[datesvar]],myagg[[invars[i]]],type="l",lwd=2,lty=1,col=all.colors[i])
>>> # or lty=i
>>>   mycolors<-c(mycolors,(i))
>>>  }
>>>  return(myagg)
>>> }
>>> --
>>> Dimitri Liakhovitski
>>> marketfusionanalytics.com
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>> R-help at r-project.org mailing list
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> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

Dimitri Liakhovitski

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