[R] Error message

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 17:40:33 CEST 2012

On 28/08/2012 10:31 AM, Scott Raynaud wrote:
> I suddenly started getting the error message below.
> Not sure why.  If I type intalled.packages() it
> shows Matrix and lme4 installed.  Can someone tell
> what's going on and what I need to do to remedy the
> problem?  I'm running on a Linux box.
> Loading required package: Matrix
> Loading required package: lattice
> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
>    function 'cholmod_l_start' not provided by package 'Matrix'
> Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘lme4’
> Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘lme4’

I would guess you are using incompatible versions.  Is R up to date?  
are both Matrix and lme4 up to date?

(If you posted sessionInfo() we'd know this...)

Duncan Murdoch

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