[R] cygwin utf-8 problem with "help"

Ralf Goertz r_goertz at web.de
Fri Aug 24 09:27:21 CEST 2012


In R under cygwin I have trouble to correctly display help in text
format. One problem arises when there are single qoutes in the text like
in "?help" which looks like this

help                    package:utils                     R Documentation




     help(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
          verbose = getOption("verbose"),
          try.all.packages = getOption("help.try.all.packages"),
          help_type = getOption("help_type"))


     The following types of help are available:

Plain text help


The whole paragraph containing typographic single quotes is not displayed. I
can work around that a bit by issuing


but there are still those single quotes like in 

"See `Details´ for what happens if this is omitted."

Furthermore, lines with bullets don't get indented and no bullets are
displayed (the "Plain text help" line above). I am using a UTF-8 locale.
When setting LANG to "C" or a latin1 locale, help is displayed
correctly, but then there are all sorts of problems with non ASCII

What can I do?

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