[R] lanyrd site for useR! 2012

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Sat Apr 28 21:20:08 CEST 2012

There's now a page on lanyrd ("the social conference directory") for
useR! 2012 in Nashville:


its basically a site for making social mini-networks for conferences,
so people can post up links, share photos, list talks, etc.

If people going sign up then it'll look a lot better than UseR! 2011,
where only three people seemed to have attended - but that's more than
went to the JSM in Florida last year (one person).

It's no replacement for the official website:
http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/UseR-2012  - you might just
find it a handy place to keep track of all the conferences you attend,
or find new ones. Frank Harrell has given his blessing to the lanyrd
site (or at least he didnt tell me to tear it down and cease and
desist using the name "useR! 2012" - unlike the people running the
London 01ympic Game$...)


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