[R] How to Code Random Nested Variables within Two-way Fixed Model in lmer or lme

Dave Robichaud drobichaud at lgl.com
Thu Sep 29 20:49:08 CEST 2011

Hi again,

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my question.  I am 
sorry that my explanation was confusing.  Please allow me to try to clarify.

First, please ignore my attempts to define a lmer model.  By putting 
forward my best first guess, which was clearly wrong, I have only served 
to confuse matters.  My goal here is to get advice on how to formulate 
the correct lmer model.  Hopefully someone can help with that.

I should describe my data in more detail.  I have the following columns:

Location    Habitat    Week     CO
1           Control    1        10
2           Control    1        12
3           Control    1         0
4           Control    1         5
5           Treatment  1        10
6 Treatment 1         7
7 Treatment  1         8
8 Treatment  1         6
9 Treatment  1         0
10 Treatment  1         5
11 Treatment  1         3
12 Treatment  1         12
13 Treatment  1         0
...    (9 weeks of data omitted to save space)
1           Control    11         9
2           Control    11         8
3           Control    11         3
4           Control    11         6
5           Treatment  11         9
6 Treatment 11         6
7 Treatment  11         5
8 Treatment  11        10
9 Treatment  11         2
10 Treatment  11         4
11 Treatment  11         6
12 Treatment  11         9
13 Treatment  11         2

 From this, you will see that I have 4 control sites and 7 treatment 
sites that are measured each week.  All 13 locations have different 
names, and Location is a random varaible.  Is Location nested within 
Habitat?  I thought it was, but maybe I am wrong.  Perhaps it is a 
random variable that is not nested?

My main goal is to look for an effect of Habitat.  But if there is a 
significant Week x Habitat interaction, I would examine the effect of 
Habitat separately for each Week.

Hopefully, the above helps to clarify my situation.  I should re-state, 
I would like to use an lmer or lme syntax to properly analyze these 
data, especially given that they are counts, I would like to try family 
= poisson or quasipoisson.

Thanks again,


On 29/09/2011 8:54 AM, Helios de Rosario wrote:
> Dear Dave, there are some inconsistencies in your explanation of the
> problem. You said your variables are:
>> CO is a continuous response variable,
>> Week is a fixed categorical factor,
>> Habitat is a fixed categorical factor, and
>> Location is a random categorical factor nested within Habitat.
> What does this last statement mean? Are the Locations identified with
> the same names in both Habitats (e.g. Location=1,2,3,... for
> Habitat=Control, and then Location=1,2,3... for Habitat=Treatment,
> although the Locations of both Habitats have nothing to do with each
> other? Or do all 13 Locations receive different names?
> If Location is really nested within Habitat, you would be in the former
> case, and then your random terms should include the interaction
> "Location:Habitat". In the latter case, the random term would just be
> "Location".
> But then, your model with aov is:
>> mCO = aov(CO ~ Week * Habitat + Error(Location/Week))
> Since you don't include Habitat in the Error term, I would say that
> Location is not really nested within Habitat. But then, why is Week
> nested within Location? Do you mean that the effect of Week may be
> affected by the random Location?
> Anyway, your interpretation of the ANOVA table is misleading:
>> Error: Location
>>             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
>> Habitat     1 182566   182566   8.6519 0.01341 *
>> Residuals 11 232115    21101
>> Error: Location:Week
>>                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value     Pr(>F)
>> Week          10 596431    59643 11.0534    7.5e-13 ***
>> Week:Habitat 10 196349    19635   3.6389 0.0003251 ***
>> Residuals    110 593551     5396
> This actually means:
> For the F test of Habitat, the denominator MS is that for Location
> For the F test of Week, the denominator MS is that for the Location x
> Week
> For the F test of Habitat x Week, the denominator MS is that for
> Location x Week
> And then, you wrote your attempt with lmer:
>> m. = lmer(CO ~ Week * Habitat + (1|Habitat/Location))
> The random term here (1|Habitat/Location) has nothing to do with the
> Error term you used in aov.
> If location is really nested within Habitat, perhaps you meant
> m. = lmer(CO ~ Week * Habitat + (1|Habitat:Location))
> (Habitat/Location means that Habitat has a random effect per se as
> well, and I guess you don't mean that!)
> Or if Location is not really nested,
> m. = lmer(CO ~ Week * Habitat + (1|Location))
> or if you really wanted the same model as with aov:
> m. = lmer(CO ~ Week * Habitat + (1|Location/Week))
> Please clarify your model. Otherwise it would be impossible to make any
> comparison.
> Helios
>>>> El día 29/09/2011 a las 6:30, Dave Robichaud<drobichaud at lgl.com>
> escribió:
>> Hi All,
>> I am frustrated by mixed-effects model! I have searched the web for
>> hours, and found lots on the nested anova, but nothing useful on my
>> specific case, which is: a random factor (C) is nested within one of
> the
>> fixed-factors (A), and a second fixed factor (B) is crossed with the
>> first fixed factor:
>> C/A
>> A
>> B
>> A x B
>> My question: I have a functioning model using the aov command (see
>> below), and I would now would like to recode it, using a more
> flexible
>> command such as lme or lmer. Once I have the equivalent syntax down,
> I
>> would ideally like to re-run my analysis using "family = poisson", as
> CO
>> is actually count data.
>> I have a dataset including a response variable CO, measured once per
>> Week (for 11 weeks) at 13 Locations. The 13 Locations are divided
> into 2
>> habitat types (Control and Treatment).
>> Thus:
>> CO is a continuous response variable,
>> Week is a fixed categorical factor,
>> Habitat is a fixed categorical factor, and
>> Location is a random categorical factor nested within Habitat.
>> Here is my model in R:
>> mCO = aov(CO ~ Week * Habitat + Error(Location/Week))
>> summary(mCO)
>> And the output:
>> Error: Location
>>             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
>> Habitat     1 182566   182566   8.6519 0.01341 *
>> Residuals 11 232115    21101
>> Error: Location:Week
>>                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value     Pr(>F)
>> Week          10 596431    59643 11.0534    7.5e-13 ***
>> Week:Habitat 10 196349    19635   3.6389 0.0003251 ***
>> Residuals    110 593551     5396
>> Given that this is a mixed model, I believe the appropriate error
> terms
>> are as follows:
>> For the F test of Habitat, the denominator MS is that for
> location/habitat;
>> For the F test of Week, the denominator MS is the residual; and
>> For the F test of Habitat x Week, the denominator MS is the
> residual.
>> My tinkering with lmer and lme have not produced results similar to
> the
>> above
>> For example,
>> m. = lmer(CO ~ Week * Habitat + (1|Habitat/Location))
>> anova(m.)
>> produces:
>> Analysis of Variance Table
>>                 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
>> Week           10 596431    59643 11.0534
>> Habitat        1   28652    28652   5.3100
>> Week:Habitat 10 196349    19635   3.6389
>> Any coding advice would be greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks for your consideration,
>> Dave Robichaud
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