[R] survival analysis: interval censored data
Ruth Arias
rueu_ac at yahoo.es
Wed Sep 28 16:56:34 CEST 2011
hallo terry:
I attached araceae data set,
when I use this:
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, time2, event) ~ categoria)
records n.max n.start events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
categoria=C 94 63 0 21 NA NA NA
categoria=E 111 77 0 26 NA NA NA
> summary(surara)
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, time2, event) ~ categoria)
time n.risk n.event entered censored survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
2006 63 5 0 23 0.921 0.0341 0.856 0.990
2007 35 2 30 1 0.868 0.0483 0.778 0.968
2008 62 5 1 3 0.798 0.0536 0.700 0.910
2009 55 4 0 5 0.740 0.0570 0.636 0.861
2010 46 5 0 41 0.660 0.0611 0.550 0.791
time n.risk n.event entered censored survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
2005 71 7 3 0 0.901 0.0354 0.835 0.973
2006 67 2 0 22 0.875 0.0391 0.801 0.955
2007 43 1 36 1 0.854 0.0432 0.774 0.943
2008 77 5 0 8 0.799 0.0469 0.712 0.896
2009 64 4 1 3 0.749 0.0502 0.657 0.854
2010 58 7 0 51 0.658 0.0545 0.560 0.774
but whe I included type=interval,
> suraraint<-survfit(Surv(time,time2,event,type='interval')~categoria) # falta arreglar lo del intervalo!!!
> summary(suraraint)
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, time2, event, type = "interval") ~
time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
2004 95.00 13.14 0.862 0.0354 0.795 0.934
2007 31.86 7.19 0.667 0.0695 0.544 0.818
2008 1.67 1.67 0.000 NaN NA NA
time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
2004 112.0 18.47 0.835 0.0351 0.769 0.907
2005 40.5 1.06 0.813 0.0401 0.738 0.896
2007 37.5 7.46 0.651 0.0620 0.540 0.785
it does not survival calculed for very year
I have a one-year interval between each census
De: Terry Therneau <therneau en mayo.edu>
Para: Ruth Arias <rueu_ac en yahoo.es>
CC: r-help en r-project.org
Enviado: miércoles 28 de septiembre de 2011 16:00
Asunto: Re: survival analysis: interval censored data
You have still not given me enough information to reproduce your
problem. "Why doesn't it include all years?" I have no way of knowing,
since we have no data.
--- begin included message --
halo david
when I use type= 'interval'
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(ingreso, fecha, estado, type = "interval")
and when I use just
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(ingreso, fecha, estado) ~ categoria)
I don t know why when I use type = "interval" it does not survival
calculed for very year
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