[R] How make a x,y dataset from a formula based entry

Jean-Christophe BOUËTTÉ jcbouette at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 15:18:15 CEST 2011

Also, if your formula is really of the form y ~x1+...+xn
you can have a look at the last example for ?formula for a simple way
to generate the formula.

2011/9/23 Helios de Rosario <helios.derosario at ibv.upv.es>:
> To separate the parts of a formula, use as.character
> (check the examples in ?character)
> Helios
> 22 Sep 2011 16:14:05 -0400
> From: Jean-Christophe BOU?TT? <jcbouette at gmail.com>
>> Hello,
>> You can check ?model.frame.
>> I do not know however to extract only the right-hand of left-hand
> part
>> of a formula.
>> JC
>> 2011/9/22 trekvana <trekvana at aol.com>:
>>> Hello all,
>>> So I am using the (formula entry) method for randomForests:
>>> randomForest(y~x1+x2+...+x39+x40,data=xxx,...) but the issue is that
> some of
>>> the items in that package dont take a formula entry - you have to
> explicitly
>>> state the y and x vector:
>>> randomForest(x=xxx[,c('x1','x2',...,'x40')],y=xxx[,'y'],...)
>>> Now my question is whether there is a function/way to tell R to take
> a
>>> formula and make the two corresponding datasets [x,y] (that way I
> dont have
>>> to create the x dataset manually with all 40 variables I have).
>>> There must be a more elegant way to do this than
>>> x=xxx[,c('x1','x2',...,'x40')]
>>> Thanks!
>>> George
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