[R] create variables through a loop

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Sep 22 20:20:44 CEST 2011

On Sep 22, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Changbin Du wrote:

> HI, Michael,
> The following codes are great!
> first.out <- do.call("cbind", list(first, result.fun))

Would this have been easier?

 > dat[ , c(1:3, rep(4, 5))]
   probe_name chr_id position array1 array1.1 array1.2 array1.3
1    C-7SARK      1   849467     10       10       10       10
2    C-4WYLN      1   854278     10       10       10       10
3    C-3BFNY      1   854471     10       10       10       10
4    C-7ONNE      1   874460     10       10       10       10
5    C-6HYCN      1   874571     10       10       10       10
6    C-7SCGC      1   874609     10       10       10       10
1       10
2       10
3       10
4       10
5       10
6       10

With the obvious substitution of 45 as the second argument to `rep`  
where you currently see 5.

> colnames(first.out) <- c(colnames(first), paste("array",
> seq(length(result.fun)), sep=""))

They may or may not need to be renamed.


>> head(first.out)
>  probe_name chr_id position array1 array2 array3 array4 array5 array6
> array7
> 1    C-7SARK      1   849467     10     10     10     10     10     10
> 10
> 2    C-4WYLN      1   854278     10     10     10     10     10     10
> 10
> 3    C-3BFNY      1   854471     10     10     10     10     10     10
> 10
> 4    C-7ONNE      1   874460     10     10     10     10     10     10
> 10
> 5    C-6HYCN      1   874571     10     10     10     10     10     10
> 10
> 6    C-7SCGC      1   874609     10     10     10     10     10     10
> 10
>  array8 array9 array10 array11 array12 array13 array14 array15 array16
> array17
> 1     10     10      10      10      10      10      10      10       
> 10
> 10
> 2     10     10      10      10      10      10      10      10       
> 10

snipped extraneous output.

> Appreciated your great helps!
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Changbin Du <changbind at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> Thanks so much, Michael!
>> head(first)
>>  probe_name chr_id position array1
>> 1    C-7SARK      1   849467     10
>> 2    C-4WYLN      1   854278     10
>> 3    C-3BFNY      1   854471     10
>> 4    C-7ONNE      1   874460     10
>> 5    C-6HYCN      1   874571     10
>> 6    C-7SCGC      1   874609     10
>> for( i in 2:3) {
>> +     label <- paste("array", i, sep="")
>> +     assign(label, value = result.fun[[i-1]] )
>> +     first <- cbind(first, get(label))
>> + }
>> head(first)
>>  probe_name chr_id position array1 get(label) get(label)
>> 1    C-7SARK      1   849467     10         10         10
>> 2    C-4WYLN      1   854278     10         10         10
>> 3    C-3BFNY      1   854471     10         10         10
>> 4    C-7ONNE      1   874460     10         10         10
>> 5    C-6HYCN      1   874571     10         10         10
>> 6    C-7SCGC      1   874609     10         10         10
>> **
>> I can use the codes to change the columns names.
>> colnames(first.out) <- c(colnames(first), paste("array",
>> seq(length(result.fun)), sep=""))
>> I am running:
>>> first.out <- do.call("cbind", list(first, result.fun))
>> and
>>> first.out <- cbind(first, result.fun)
>> IT has been 10 mins, and I will let you know the results.
>> Thanks so much for the great helps!
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:37 AM, R. Michael Weylandt <
>> michael.weylandt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There are a few ways to proceed from here. If you are really  
>>> committed to
>>> this loop + assign idea, I'd provide the following code:
>>> for( i in 2:3) {
>>>    label <- paste("array", i, sep="")
>>>    assign(label, value = result.fun[[i-1]] )
>>>    first <- cbind(first, get(label))
>>> }
>>> However, this is generally pretty inefficient. Why not something  
>>> more like
>>> the following?
>>> first.out <- do.call("cbind", list(first, result.fun))
>>> If you need the names to be "arrayi" you can add this line:
>>> colnames(first.out) <- c(colnames(first), paste("array",
>>> seq(length(result.fun)), sep=""))
>>> I'm unable to test this on your (unprovided) data, but here's an  
>>> example
>>> of how this works:
>>> first = data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 6:8, z = 11:13)
>>> a = data.frame(a = 1:3)
>>> b = data.frame(b = 4:6)
>>> result.fun = list(a,b)
>>> first.out <- do.call("cbind", list(first, result.fun))
>>> print(first.out)
>>> which provides this output.
>>>    x y  z a b
>>> 1 1 6 11 1 4
>>> 2 2 7 12 2 5
>>> 3 3 8 13 3 6
>>> More generally, you really should read about how arguments and  
>>> assignments
>>> work in R. See, e.g., 8.2.26 in the R inferno.
>>> Michael Weylandt
>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Changbin Du <changbind at gmail.com>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> HI, Michael,
>>>> I tried use x and got the following:
>>>>> for (i in 2:3) {
>>>> +
>>>> + assign(x=paste("array", i, sep=""), value=result.fun[[i-1]])
>>>> +
>>>> + first <-cbind(first, x)
>>>> +
>>>> + }
>>>> *Error in cbind(first, x) : object 'x' not found
>>>> *
>>>> But I checked the
>>>> ls()
>>>>     "array2"       "array3"    were created.
>>>> Can I put them into the first data set by loop, or manually?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> P.S   I search the similar codes from google and can not work as I
>>>> expected.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:11 AM, R. Michael Weylandt <
>>>> michael.weylandt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> There is no "lab=" argument for assign() hence the error. Did  
>>>>> someone
>>>>> provide you with example code that suggested such a thing?  
>>>>> remove lab=
>>>>> entirely or replace it with x= to make your code work. More  
>>>>> generally type
>>>>> ?assign or args(assign) to see what the arguments for a function  
>>>>> are.
>>>>> More generally, this sort of thing may be best handled in a list  
>>>>> rather
>>>>> than an set of independent variables.
>>>>> Michael Weylandt
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Changbin Du  
>>>>> <changbind at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> HI, Dear R community,
>>>>>> I am trying to created new variables and put into a data frame  
>>>>>> through
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> loop.
>>>>>> My original data set:
>>>>>> head(first)
>>>>>> probe_name chr_id position array1
>>>>>> 1    C-7SARK      1   849467     10
>>>>>> 2    C-4WYLN      1   854278     10
>>>>>> 3    C-3BFNY      1   854471     10
>>>>>> 4    C-7ONNE      1   874460     10
>>>>>> 5    C-6HYCN      1   874571     10
>>>>>> 6    C-7SCGC      1   874609     10
>>>>>> I have 48 other array data from a list result.fun
>>>>>> array2=result.fun[[1]]
>>>>>> array3=result.fun[[2]]
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> I want the following results:
>>>>>> probe_name chr_id position array1 array2 array3
>>>>>> 1    C-7SARK      1   849467     10     10       10
>>>>>> 2    C-4WYLN      1   854278     10     10       10
>>>>>> 3    C-3BFNY      1   854471     10      10       10
>>>>>> 4    C-7ONNE      1   874460     10     10       10
>>>>>> 5    C-6HYCN      1   874571     10     10       10
>>>>>> 6    C-7SCGC      1   874609     10     10       10
>>>>>> I used the following codes:
>>>>>> for (i in 2:3) {
>>>>>> assign(lab=paste("array", i, sep=""), value=result.fun[[i-1]])
>>>>>> first <-cbind(first, lab)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> *Error in assign(lab = paste("array", i, sep = ""), value =
>>>>>> result.fun[[i -
>>>>>> :
>>>>>> unused argument(s) (lab = paste("array", i, sep = ""))*
>>>>>> Can anyone give some hits or helps?
>>>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> Changbin
>>>>>> --

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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