[R] package / function for monitoring processes?

jim holtman jholtman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 20:31:34 CEST 2011

Here is the function I use:

 my.stats <- function (text = "stats", reset = FALSE, oper = "")
    procTime <- proc.time()[1:3]
    if (reset) {
        Level <<- 1
        Stack[Level, ] <<- c(procTime[3], procTime[1] + procTime[2])
    if (oper == "push") {
        if (Level < MaxLevel)
            Level <<- Level + 1
        Stack[Level, ] <<- c(procTime[3], procTime[1] + procTime[2])
    .caller <- sys.calls()
    if (length(.caller) == 1)
        .caller <- "Rgui"
    else .caller <- as.character(.caller[[length(.caller) - 1]])[1]
    cat(sprintf("%s (%d) - %s : %s <%.1f %.1f> %.1f : %.1fMB\n",
        text, Level, .caller, format(Sys.time(), format = "%H:%M:%S"),
        procTime[1] + procTime[2] - Stack[Level, 2], procTime[3] -
            Stack[Level, 1], procTime[3], memory.size()))
    if ((oper == "pop") && (Level > 1))
        Level <<- Level - 1
    else if (oper == "reset")
        Level <<- 1

Here is an example of its use:  inside the <> is the total CPU and
elapsed time to that point.

> my.stats('start')
start (1) - Rgui : 14:29:27 <30.7 20136.7> 20136.7 : 107.8MB
> for (i in 1:1e6) i+1  # consume some CPU
> for (i in 1:10e6) i+1  # consume some CPU
> my.stats('end')  # used almost 8 secs of CPU time
end (1) - Rgui : 14:30:24 <38.4 20193.0> 20193.0 : 139.4MB

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Benjamin Tyner <btyner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I recall running across a function a while back which would return
> information about running processes (such as their cpu and memory usage),
> but I cannot seem to locate it. Wondering if someone would be kind enough to
> refresh my memory. I vaguely recall it was parsing the output of the 'ps'
> command.
> Thanks,
> Ben
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Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru

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