[R] Reading data in lisp format

csrabak cesar.rabak at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 16:35:48 CEST 2011

Em 21/9/2011 07:39, ESTEBAN ALFARO CORTES escreveu:
> Hi,
>   I am trying to read the "credit.lisp" file of the Japanese credit database in UCI repository, but it is in lisp format which I do not know how to read.  I  have not found how to do that in the foreign library
> http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Japanese+Credit+Screening<http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Japanese+Credit+Screening>
> Could anyone help me?


Lisp files may mean a lot of different things, so it is not enough for 
an authoritative answer without further qualifications.

They _may_ be files that can be read by XLisp-Stat or be a data format 
coming from another Lisp written program.

For the former you could have XLisp-Stat read the file and export in a 
more manageable format (plain text, csv and for some add ons [like 
VisTa] to Excel]), for the latter the only option would be to ask the 
developer of the program or for the structure of the file or for an 
export to another format R can read.


Cesar Rabak

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