[R] Function for running a sign test

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 12:20:21 CEST 2011

Your search skills need some work: going to rseek.org and searching
for "sign test" turned up several functions. Without more information on
your problem, I have no idea which is better for you, or if they're all

Although googling for R "sign test" returned both several functions and
a website stating authoritatively that "there is no R function for the
sign test," so its all a matter of your chosen authority, I suppose.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 6:10 AM, Paul Smith <phhs80 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Has R got a function to perform a sign test? I have done some
> searching but with no luck.
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul

Sarah Goslee

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