[R] "Plotting" text?

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 02:44:46 CEST 2011


The simplest way is to call plot.new() directly, with no arguments.
That will give you a square plot with range of 0-1 on each
axis (roughly).

If you want a more complex underlying plot, that's possible too.
If you take a look at ?par, you'll see options for all the different
components of a plot: the box around it, the axis labels, etc. Each
can be set to not be drawn. (I don't know of a more efficient way.)

Something like:
plot(c(0, 10), c(0, 20), type="n", bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
xlab="", ylab="", main="")
will do it.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:26 PM,  <rkevinburton at charter.net> wrote:
> I noticed that the text() command adds text to a plot. Is there a way to
> either make the plot blank or add text to a "blank sheet". I would like
> to "plot" a page that contains just text, no plot lines, labels, etc.
> Suggestions?
> Kevin

Sarah Goslee

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