[R] goofy class question

Erin Hodgess erinm.hodgess at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 09:46:55 CEST 2011

Dear R People:

Here is a really goofy question.

I have some objects which have 2 classes: data.frame and ucr.

Also, the classes will always be in that order.

I have tried all sorts of things, but to no avail.

listucrModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
    objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
    if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
    else objects[sapply(objects,
       function(.x)  "ucr"==
       (class(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=envir))[2]))]

> listucrModels()
 [1] NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
 [9] NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       "jan.df" NA       NA
[17] NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
[25] NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
Since most of them do not have the second class attribute.

How do I get rid of the NA's and just get a list, please?


Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodgess at gmail.com

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