[R] warning with cut2 function

taby gathoni tabieg at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 11 10:25:20 CEST 2011

Dear r user,

please find my attached sample of the dataset i  am using to create a crosstable and eventually plot a histogram from the output.

I am using  the cut2 function to create bins, about 7 of them using the code after reading the data:
cluster <- cut2(cross_val$value, g=7)

I get the warning:
Warning message:
In min(xx[xx > upper]) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf

additionally, the bins become 6 instead of 7 through the crossTable function:
cross1 <-CrossTable(cross_val$factor, cluster,prop.chisq=FALSE,prop.r=FALSE,prop.t=FALSE)

Please assist me to  get my 7 bins.

How can i plot an output of the cross table as a historgram of factor rate  vs bins?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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