[R] Dealing with proportions

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Oct 6 16:33:11 CEST 2011

On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Sam wrote:

> Dear list,
> I have very little experience in dealing with proportions, i am sure  
> this is a very simple question

Sometimes making that claim in a group of statisticians can provoke an  
extended discussion to which there will be no eventual agreement.  
Discussions about testing proportions in groups with small numbers is  
one such excellent example.

> but i could find no suitable answer beyond doing a chi-sq test  and  
> then using the Marascuilo procedure as a post-hoc analysis.
> I am simply wanting to know if the proportions ( i.e the number of  
> Yes / No) significantly differ between the cases and if so which  
> cases are significantly high or low?
> proportion <- structure(list(Case = structure(1:11, .Label = c("A",  
> "B", "C",
> "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"), class = "factor"), Yes =  
> c(18L,
> 2L, 1L, 2L, 44L, 27L, 2L, 15L, 13L, 3L, 34L), No = c(171L, 11L,
> 5L, 8L, 146L, 80L, 5L, 30L, 22L, 5L, 42L), Num = c(189L, 13L,
> 6L, 10L, 190L, 107L, 7L, 45L, 35L, 8L, 76L)), .Names = c("Case",
> "Yes", "No", "Num"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
> -11L))

I would probably have turned to logistic regression and used p.adjust  
to deal with the multiple comparisons issues. By default, the  
Intercept p-value estimate for a simple model with a factor variable  
as the predictor tests for the Intercept = 0 tests for of a   
proportion  to 0.50 (since that is the proportion at which the  
log(odds) = 0). It then tests for equality to that odds for all the  
other levels (the same as odds ratios being 1 or their  
coefficients=0). (The first way I set this up I ended up with your A- 
level being the reference and the hypotheses being tested didn't seem  
reasonable or "interesting.... namely that the lowest proportion was  
equal to 50% and that all the rest of the proportions were equal to  
that lowest proportion.)

  [1,] 0.0952381
  [2,] 0.1538462
  [3,] 0.1666667
  [4,] 0.2000000
  [5,] 0.2315789
  [6,] 0.2523364
  [7,] 0.2857143
  [8,] 0.3333333
  [9,] 0.3714286
[10,] 0.3750000
[11,] 0.4473684

So I took your data and made your "K" level the reference value since  
its value (0.44) is the one closest to 50% and then looked at the p- 
values from the others as information about their similarity to the K  

proportion$Case <- relevel(proportion$Case, "K")
casefit <- glm(cbind(Yes, Num) ~ Case, data= proportion,  
p.adjust( summary(casefit)$coefficients[ , 4] )

That set of hypotheses gives very few "significant" results, but most  
of your groups are pretty sparse so that should be expected. Another  
(and I think better) approach resulting in even fewer "significant"  
results is to use logistic regression with an offset term equal to the  
log(odds) for the entire group:

log(  with(proportion, sum(Yes)/sum(No) ) )   # returns [1] -1.181994
This corresponds to an expected proportion of 0.2346939

casefit <- glm(cbind(Yes, Num) ~ 0+ Case, data= proportion,
                offset=rep( log( with(proportion, sum(Yes)/ 
sum(No) ) ), 11),   # each level gets the same offset.

I used the 0+ on the RHS of the formula to force a labeled estimate  
for each level, since the p-values are now in reference to the overall  
proportion. Since only one level has a "significant" p-value and it is  
highly significant (due to the combination of higher numbers of  
"events" and "distance" from the NULL estimate) you will not see much  
change if you adjust its p-value.

cbind( round( summary(casefit)$coefficients, 3),
        Prpns =round( (proportion$Yes/proportion$Num)[c(11,1:10)], 3),
        N_Yes=proportion$Yes[c(11,1:10)] )

       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) Prpns N_Yes
CaseK    0.378      0.206   1.830    0.067 0.447    34
CaseA   -1.169      0.247  -4.741    0.000 0.095    18
CaseB   -0.690      0.760  -0.908    0.364 0.154     2
CaseC   -0.610      1.080  -0.565    0.572 0.167     1
CaseD   -0.427      0.775  -0.552    0.581 0.200     2
CaseE   -0.281      0.167  -1.679    0.093 0.232    44
CaseF   -0.195      0.215  -0.905    0.365 0.252    27
CaseG   -0.071      0.802  -0.088    0.930 0.286     2
CaseH    0.083      0.298   0.280    0.780 0.333    15
CaseI    0.192      0.325   0.590    0.555 0.371    13
CaseJ    0.201      0.677   0.297    0.766 0.375     3

Comparing the numbers and the observed proportions to the overall  
proportion (0.2346939) shows not many (only one actually) groups with  
strong evidence of "being different." I think you need larger numbers.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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