[R] window manager interface commands for linux
Jim Lemon
jim at bitwrit.com.au
Tue Nov 29 11:51:19 CET 2011
Ana wrote:
> How can i replicate this in Linux:
> source(file.choose())
Hi Ana,
There is probably some way to do this with a shell script, but I am
unaware of it. If you have the marvelous Tcl-Tk scripting language on
your Linux box, you could write something like this:
# sourceRfile a script to run an R command file
# SelectFile - A module for selecting a filename from a directory
# call "SelectFile mask" where 'mask' contains a mask or filename
# default mask = *
proc GetFileList filemask {
set filelist [ glob -nocomplain $filemask ]
return $filelist
proc StringElement cmplist {
if { [ llength $cmplist ] > 1 } {
set cmpstring [ lindex $cmplist 0 ]
set cmpchar [ lindex $cmplist 1 ]
set stringlength [ string length $cmpstring ]
set charlength [ string length $cmpchar ]
set stringindex 0
while { $stringindex < $stringlength } {
set charindex 0
while { $charindex < $charlength } {
if { [ string index $cmpstring $stringindex ] ==\
[ string index $cmpchar $charindex ] } { return 1 }
incr charindex
incr stringindex
return 0
proc SelectFile mask {
global filename
global done
global rindex
if { [ string length $mask ] == 0 } {
set mask "*"
set path [ pwd ]
set done 0
set filename ""
set rindex 0
while { !$done } {
frame .sff -bd 3 -relief raised
label .sff.path -text $path
entry .sff.name
label .sff.filelabel -text "Directories"
frame .sff.fileframe
label .sff.dirlabel -text "Files"
frame .sff.dirframe
frame .sff.buttonframe
listbox .sff.fileframe.flist -selectmode single \
-yscroll ".sff.fileframe.yscroll set"
scrollbar .sff.fileframe.yscroll -relief sunken \
-command ".sff.fileframe.flist yview"
listbox .sff.dirframe.dlist -selectmode single \
-yscroll ".sff.dirframe.yscroll set"
scrollbar .sff.dirframe.yscroll -relief sunken \
-command ".sff.dirframe.dlist yview"
set filelist [ GetFileList $mask ]
lsort filelist
set fileindex 0
foreach filein $filelist {
if { [ file isfile $filein ] } {
.sff.fileframe.flist insert $fileindex $filein
incr fileindex
set dirlist [ GetFileList "*" ]
lsort dirlist
set dlist [ list ]
set dirindex 0
if { $path != "/" } {
.sff.dirframe.dlist insert $dirindex ".."
incr dirindex
foreach dirin $dirlist {
if { [ file isdirectory $dirin ] } {
.sff.dirframe.dlist insert $dirindex $dirin
incr dirindex
bind .sff.fileframe.flist <ButtonRelease-1> {
.sff.name delete 0 end
.sff.name insert 0 [ .sff.fileframe.flist get\
[ .sff.fileframe.flist curselection ] ]
button .sff.buttonframe.ok -text OK -command {
if { [ llength [ .sff.dirframe.dlist curselection ] ] } {
set filename [ .sff.dirframe.dlist get [ .sff.dirframe.dlist
curselection ] ]
} else {
if { [ llength [ .sff.fileframe.flist curselection ] ] } {
set filename [ .sff.fileframe.flist get [ .sff.fileframe.flist
curselection ] ]
} else {
if { [ llength [ .sff.name get ] ] } {
set filename [ .sff.name get ]
destroy .sff
button .sff.buttonframe.cancel -text Cancel -command {
set rindex -1
set done 1
set filename ""
destroy .sff
bind .sff.name <Return> {
set filename [ .sff.name get ]
destroy .sff
place .sff -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -anchor center -width 400\
-height 300
place .sff.path -relx 0.5 -rely 0.02 -anchor n
place .sff.name -relx 0.5 -rely 0.12 -anchor n
place .sff.filelabel -relx 0.05 -rely 0.22
place .sff.dirlabel -relx 0.55 -rely 0.22
place .sff.dirframe -relx 0.05 -rely 0.3 -relwidth 0.43\
-relheight 0.5
place .sff.fileframe -relx 0.55 -rely 0.3 -relwidth 0.43\
-relheight 0.5
place .sff.fileframe.flist -relx 0 -relwidth 0.85 -relheight 1
place .sff.fileframe.yscroll -relx 0.9 -rely 0.5\
-anchor center -relheight 1
place .sff.dirframe.dlist -relx 0 -relwidth 0.85 -relheight 1
place .sff.dirframe.yscroll -relx 0.9 -rely 0.5\
-anchor center -relheight 1
place .sff.buttonframe -relx 0.5 -rely 0.9 -anchor center
pack .sff.buttonframe.ok -side left
pack .sff.buttonframe.cancel -side right
.sff.name insert 0 $mask
focus .sff.name
tkwait window .sff
if { [ file isdirectory $filename ] } {
cd $filename
set path [ pwd ]
} elseif { [ StringElement [ list $filename "*?\[\]" ] ] } {
set mask $filename
} else {
set done 1
return $filename
wm geometry . 400x400
set Rfile [ SelectFile "*.R" ]
exec R CMD BATCH $Rfile
Then simply create the following file named "helloR.R" in the same
cat("Hello, R\n")
chmod +x sourceRfile.tk
Select the file "helloR.R" from the resulting menu, and that file will
be "sourced" by R. However, this is a bloody roundabout way to source a
file in R.
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