[R] Plot nnet

RMSOPS ricardosousa2000 at clix.pt
Mon Nov 28 14:05:32 CET 2011

good night 

   Again I ask for help to the community, as I am new at this, I have some
basic questions.
 I am looking for packages on neural networks and so you can search found
these two that I think are the most used, neuralnet, nnet.
 So you can test, and correct me if I'm wrong the neuralnet only accepts as
input values ​​nomer, did a little test
 data (iris) 
 library (neuralnet) 
 Species.numeric <- as.numeric (iris $ Species) 
 iris.df <- data.frame (iris, Species.numeric) 
 net <- neuralnet (~ Species.numeric Sepal.Width Sepal.Length + + +
Petal.Width Petal.Length, iris.df, hidden = 2)
  options (device = "windows") 
 plot (net) 

 I think the net library supports all type of data. 

 library (nnet) 
 library ("nnet") 
 RN <- nnet (iris $ Species ~., Data = iris, size = 3, rang = 0.1, decay =
0.01, maxit = 20)
  plot (RN) 

 my question is how this package can enter all the input attributes. and how
can I draw a sketch of the network similar to that of neuralnet, or how I
can put all the attributes not transform in the numeric neuralnet.
    Is there a more effective package of neural networks. 

 thank you 

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