[R] Error: invalid type(list) for variable when using lm()
Bert Gunter
gunter.berton at gene.com
Fri Nov 25 13:04:17 CET 2011
Inline below.
-- Bert
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 2:31 AM, Milan Bouchet-Valat <nalimilan at club.fr> wrote:
> Le vendredi 25 novembre 2011 à 00:02 -0800, Dhaynes a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I am new to R.
>> I have multidimensional array (379,2,3) and I need to create a series of
>> linear regressions (379 to be exact)
>> I have the array stored properly I believe, but I can not use the
>> lm(myarray[1,1,1:3]~myarray[1,2,1:3])
>> I have checked to make sure they are exactly the same length.
>> I have also tried endlessly to convert the subset of the array back into a
>> vector.
Actually an array **is** a vector -- but with an additional "dim"
attribute. Try:
>> any help would be appreciated.
1) Read relevant portions of R docs, like ?array and perhaps "An
Introduction to R."
2) Read and follow the posting guide. In particular, give us a toy
example with the code you used to construct your array. It's difficult
to diagnose the source of engine failure without the car.
3) See my comment below.
> The 'formula' argument of lm doesn't take actual values, but variable
> names. So you need to create vectors containing your data, or pass a
--This is patently false. Please check before giving obviously wrong advice:
> x <- array(rnorm(150), dim= c(10,5,3))
> lm(x[,3,2] ~x[,1,1])
lm(formula = x[, 3, 2] ~ x[, 1, 1])
(Intercept) x[, 1, 1]
-0.1247 0.1171
> data frame with these vectors are columns. So, going the latter way :
> df <- data.frame(a=myarray[1,1,1:3], b=myarray[1,2,1:3])
> lm(a ~ b, data=df)
> or in one step
> lm(a ~ b, data=data.frame(a=myarray[1,1,1:3], b=myarray[1,2,1:3]))
> Regards
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
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